Once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.
Laura Bush

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4, where your child will continue to build on the learning that they secured in Year 3. As a team we endeavour to make the transition from Year 3 to Year 4 as smooth as possible.
Our teachers in Year 4 are;
Mrs Bhachu 4H                                                                                                                                                 
Mrs Price 4M
Things to remember:

Year 4 have PE on Wednesdays.

In Year 4 this term, we began by discovering some unusual items across the playground.  The children led the learning by asking some interesting questions and are keen to unfold this mystery.  The evidence was accompanied by a diary letter from the famous Shackleton!! We will explore this throughout our English, science and humanities topics where we hope to unearth a deep understanding and knowledge of Antarctica and Shackleton.

This year, Year 4 will be completing their multiplication check. You can help at home by letting your child go on to Mathletics and by practising their multiplication facts with them. Try quizzing your child on the walk to school or compete against them using Hit the Button. Remember to make whatever you do with your child fun!

In maths we will be using images and models to help children understand complex numerical relationships. The Maths No Problem scheme is used. We expect your child to go onto TTRS daily for 10 minutes a day.

 Your child is also taught a daily fluency lesson to help them think faster and more clearly, giving them the energy, attention and focus to tackle complex problem-solving and reasoning questions. We are using Mastering number to develop understanding and relationships of multiplication.

In English your child’s writing and reading is enhanced by using high-quality texts. This term your child will be listening to Charlotte’s Web by E. B White as their class read. Charlotte's Web is considered a classic of children's literature, enjoyed by adults as well as children. Perhaps you might like to read this book too!

Through a process of speaking and listening, your child will develop key skills which will enable them to write and read in more depth.  We took the opportunity during Diwali to retell the Story of Rama and Sita through play script and drama.  The children absolutely loved it.

You can help at home by helping your child practise their weekly spellings, reading their home readers with them and letting them go onto TTRS or other links shared on class dojo.

We aim to provide children with enrichment experiences and activities that will prepare them for life outside of Heath Mount as they continue their academic progress. We very much believe that parents and teachers need to work together in partnership to secure the best learning outcomes for their child and would therefore very much appreciate your support in ensuring that your child comes to school every day, ready to learn and that all homework is completed as given.

 We are really looking forward to this year and working with you and your child. Please do make an appointment at the office to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or would just like an update on your child’s progress.

Please continue to visit our Year 4 page for regular updates.