
At Heath Mount Primary School we recognise the link between attainment and attendance. We are committed to ensuring the best possible learning outcomes for all of our pupils and as such we seek to ensure our pupils attend school regularly and on time every day. 


Our school target is 97% and we aim to hit this target every week.  




Our aim at Heath Mount Primary School is to provide the greatest opportunity for children’s learning. We endeavour to provide all our pupils with an equal chance to make the most of the education that school offers. For this to be achieved, it is vital that every child attends school regularly and punctually.

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their children attend school regularly. Every child has the right to an education and the law protects these rights. It is the responsibility of parents to bring their children to school every day on time.

Failing to send your child to school regularly and on time without good reason is a criminal offence.  

Please remember that parental illness, going shopping, visiting sick family , truancy, not wanting to go to school, alleged bullying (speak to school immediately to resolve the issue) are not acceptable reasons to be absent. All of these will be recorded as unauthorised absence, including if your child arrives at school after the close of registration.

The NHS have published guidance for parents and carers who are unsure whether to send their children to school.  You can view this here: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (

Weekly attendance for all classes is published on the front page of the school website.

Reporting Pupil Absence


At Heath Mount Primary school we endeavour to promote and celebrate good attendance in school. Good attendance in school is essential – every day counts for children to achieve the best chance of success.  Frequent absence can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning time and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life. Our school attendance target for this year is to consistently achieve 97% and above each week.  School and parents can work together to achieve this by following the school procedures for absences and punctuality.

 Parents/Carers must contact the school office on the first day of absence no later than 8.30am to provide the reason for their child’s absence.  Contact with school must be made on any subsequent day of absence.  All absences are recorded on the school system and are classified as   either Authorised or Unauthorised.

Common authorised absences include:

  • Illness – meaning when a child is not fit enough to attend school
  • Medical/dental  treatment
  • Day of religious observance
  • Exclusion

Common unauthorised absences include:

  • Holidays during term time
  • Parental illness
  • Family weddings
  • Birthdays
  • Shopping trips
  • Refusal to attend school
  • Not reporting absences on the first day of the illness
Medical Appointments


It is important to note that all medical appointments are classed as absences.  If your child needs to attend a non urgent GP or dental appointment, we recommend that this is done outside of school hours.  If an appointment during the school day is unavoidable, an appointment card or letter must be provided in order for the absence to be authorised.  Pupils should attend school before and after the medical appointment.


Leave in Term Time


Parents who take their child out of school during school term time without the Headteacher’s permission or beyond an agreed date....

  1. Risk losing their child’s place in school
  2. Risk being given a Fixed Penalty Notice or taken to court and fined
  3. Risk their child’s future through lost learning and lower achievement
  4. Risk their child feeling left out and left behind

Family emergencies need careful consideration.  It is not always in the best interests of the pupil nor appropriate for them to miss school for family emergencies that are being dealt with by adult family members.  School and school relationships can provide pupils with stability and care during difficult times. 

Headteachers may only grant leave if there are exceptional circumstances.  These include:

  • Death of a parent/carer or sibling of the pupil
  • Life threatening or critical illness of parent or sibling of the pupil
  • Parent/carer recuperation and convalescence from critical illness or surgery Leave request to be made within 6 months of recovery and medical evidence required)
  • Leave for armed forces personnel who are prevented by operational duties to take their leave at any other time
  • Leave of absence already granted by a previous school or local authority (granted within the last 6 months and supported by documentation from the previous school)

At Heath Mount Primary School we follow the Birmingham City Council guidance for Fast-Track to Attendance and Term Time Leave.  This means that if unauthorised leave is taken during term time, legal proceedings could follow.  For more information follow the link below:

Pupil Attendance Advice



It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their children arrive at school on time. Lateness can disrupt the learning of others and can result in a pupil feeling greater stress and achieving poorer outcomes. 90 per cent attendance means that your child is absent from lessons for the equivalent of one half day every week. Over five years this is the equivalent of about one half of a school year.

 Research shows a close link between attendance at school and a child’s achievement. Being late adds up to a loss of learning. All time out of school affects both learning and achievement for pupils. Please make sure your child arrives at school on time.

 Poor punctuality can lead to your child…

  •  Feeling embarrassed in front of their friends
  •  Missing the beginning of vital lessons
  •  Missing important instructions for the rest of the school day
  • Learning bad habits which could affect their employability in the future

 If you are going to be late to school, please make sure you call the school office by 8:30am to let them know what time to expect you. Lateness over time equates to absence, and will be swiftly dealt with accordingly.